Housing Technical Assistance Program

SANDAG’s Housing Technical Assistance Program (HAP TA) provides housing policy resources tailored to support local jurisdictions as they implement their 6th Cycle Housing Elements, enact new housing legislation, and streamline permitting processes to enable more efficient land use and spur housing development.

This page contains a summary of existing housing planning and policy resources organized by topic. These resources provide direction for implementing housing programs in the San Diego region.

For more information, contact the HAP Technical Assistance project team at housing@sandag.org.

Technical Assistance Resources

Regional training #1
Housing Acceleration Program/Technical Assistance intro, March 2023 
Presentation slides and recording available upon request

Regional training #2
Understanding AB 2011 and SB 6, June 2023
Presentation slides

Regional training #3
Anti-displacement, July 2023
Presentation slides

Regional training #4
Objective design standards workshop, October 2023
Presentation slides

Regional training #5
ADU workshop, March 2024
Presentation slides

Regional training #6
Land value capture, May 2024
Presentation slides
Screening Tool
Regional Value Capture Study

Annual progress reports workshop
January 31, 2024
Presentation slides

Housing rehabilitation workshop
December 13, 2023
Presentation slides
Residential Rehabilitation Program Guide

These documents were prepared for the SANDAG Technical Assistance program in collaboration with the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) to be shared with local planning staff. They include a summary of significant housing legislation that was passed in the 2023 legislative session and subsequently signed into law by Governor Newsom. All bills became effective on January 1, 2024, unless otherwise noted.

Presentation slides from November 30, 2023
Legislative Summary

Residential Development in Commercial Zones (AB 2011/SB 6)

AB 2011 (Wicks, 2011), the Affordable Housing and High Road Jobs Act of 2022, and SB 6 (Caballero, 2022), the Middle Class Housing Act of 2022, are intended to permit residential development on sites currently zoned for commercial or retail use. Both bills were effective as of July 1, 2023.

Presentation slides: Understanding AB 2011 and SB 6 (SANDAG, June 2023)


Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)

Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units (JADUs) are an innovative and effective option for adding much needed housing in California. ADUs have been known by many names: granny flats, in-law units, backyard cottages, secondary units, and more. The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is the state’s leader on local ADU ordinances, which—while optional—have increased exponentially as more cities, counties, and homeowners become interested in ADUs as one solution to increasing the supply of affordable housing.


Anti-Displacement Strategies

Residential displacement, or the involuntary relocation of existing residents, takes many forms and can either be forced or responsive. Displacement in all its forms remains a primary concern for households across the San Diego region, particularly for low- and moderate-income renters. SANDAG's Anti-Displacement Strategy addresses the issue from a regional perspective.

Read the full report, which consists of three main sections:

Prohousing Designation Program

These resources provide tools and information for implementing accelerated housing programs and streamlining approvals to expand housing opportunities.

No Net Loss

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Resources

These presentations focusing on four CEQA topic areas were prepared and presented by Ascent Environmental in winter 2023 and spring 2024.

Objective Design

Other TA Resources