<h1>Bikeway & Walkway Projects</h1> <h1>Bikeway & Walkway Projects</h1>

Bikeway & Walkway Projects

With more than 1,340 miles of bikeways in the San Diego region, everything is just two wheels away. One of our key priorities in planning our region’s transportation system is providing an extensive network of bikeways and walkways to ensure biking, walking, and rolling are comfortable and convenient forms of everyday travel. 

Guiding the development of the SANDAG Bike Plan Early Action Program (EAP) through the year 2050, our bikeway and walkway projects have a positive impact on the quality of life in the San Diego region by reducing traffic congestion, improving air quality, reducing the impact of climate change, and enhancing public health and livability.

Understanding the Terminology

  • Separated bikeways are protected from vehicle lanes by a vertical element such as raised medians, on-street parking, or plastic posts.
  • Buffered bike lanes are conventional bike lanes combined with a painted buffer that increases the distance between people on bikes and the adjacent motor vehicle travel lane and/or parking lane.
  • Traffic calming measures benefit people riding, rolling, or walking alongside vehicle traffic. They include high-visibility crosswalks, curb extensions, rapid flashing beacons, mid-block crossings, traffic circles, and traffic signal enhancements.
  • A two-way separated bike lane allows people riding bikes to travel in two directions on a street which may be one-way for all other vehicles.
  • A contra-flow bike lane is a one-way bikeway where the people on bikes travel is the opposite direction of the cars in the lane next to them.

For more information, contact the SANDAG GO by BIKE Public Outreach team at gobybike@sandag.org or 833.899.BIKE (2453).

Frequently Asked Questions

The SANDAG Bike Plan Early Action Program (EAP) coordinates the planning, design, and construction of interconnected, on-street, and separated bikeways that enable residents to bike comfortably on more convenient routes within and between major regional destinations and activity centers. The Bike EAP guides the development of the regional bike network through the year 2050.

Visit a project web page for milestones and construction information. Please check these pages regularly for updates or subscribe to a project email list.

SANDAG values community involvement. Public meetings are posted on SANDAG’s calendar and on individual project web pages. General comments also can be emailed to GObyBIKE@sandag.org.

Two percent of annual revenues from TransNet are allocated to the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Neighborhood Safety Program. SANDAG also maximizes funding opportunities from other sources, moving bike projects toward construction on a rolling timeline, so at any given time there would be shovel-ready projects. Your tax dollars are at work to make the bike network in the San Diego region one of the best in the nation.

Yes, you can take your bike on transit for no additional charge. Learn more tips for bikes on transit.

The San Diego Regional Bike Map is available to download and highlights various types of bikeways, as well as suggested routes for commuting. Maps also can be found at bike shops throughout San Diego County.

The San Diego Bicycle Coalition offers safety resources for bicyclists.