2025 Regional Plan

Every four years, we research, prepare, and update a plan to guide how we will help people and goods move around our region. We do this by collecting feedback from the public, studying data about where people frequently go within our region, and analyzing forecasts about how the region will grow and change over the next few decades. We also work closely with local, state, and federal government agencies; and community-based organizations to put this vision together. 

Our goal: to make transportation more convenient, reliable, equitable, healthy, and safe for everyone. This means planning solutions to help people get around in the next few years, while also preparing for bigger longer-term transportation projects in the future. 

In 2023, we gathered public input from thousands of people across the region about their transportation needs. This input, along with feedback from our Board, policy advisory committees, partner agencies, and community partners will help to shape the projects, programs, and policies we are proposing for our 2025 Regional Plan.

What's Next

  1. Our staff has put together an “initial concept” for our Draft 2025 Regional Plan. This includes all of the transportation improvements that staff are currently considering. This document also summarizes the feedback we received last year and how it has influenced the concept. (Lea el concepto en español.)
  2. Right now, our data and modeling team is running a series of tests to make sure that the transportation network in this concept satisfies state and federal requirements. These rules mandate that we reduce a certain amount of pollution and car traffic to keep getting funding for our local transportation projects. If the concept doesn't meet these requirements, staff will work with the Board to refine a transportation network that we estimate will meet the targets.
  3. After this, staff will further develop the Draft 2025 Regional Plan. This comprehensive document will detail the proposed transportation projects, programs, and policies in the network while describing how we will pay for them, how our plan will align with other local planning documents, a technical analysis of how the plan could impact the environment, and more. We estimate this Draft Plan will be ready for public feedback in spring 2025.

Past Events

June 29, 2023 - Regional Plan Kickoff
Presentation | Event Recording | Video de la Reunion

March 15, 2023 - Housing Policy Forum
Presentation | Meeting Recording

February 15, 2023 - Public Scoping Meeting for the EIR
Presentation Meeting Recording

January 12, 2023 - Public Scoping Meeting for the EIR
Presentation | Meeting Recording


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