Airport Transit Connection

The Airport Transit Connection will create a direct link between the San Diego International Airport and our regional transit system. This new connection will be integrated with many existing and future travel options in our urban core, including regional rail, Trolley, Rapid and local bus services, shuttles, and safe biking and walking improvements.

Connected transportation options will make it easier for people to navigate the region—and access the airport—without relying on a car. This project will provide residents and visitors with:

  • Convenient access to airport terminals and local amenities
  • Equitable and reliable options that connect San Diego’s urban core to the surrounding region
  • A more seamless and stress-free experience when using transit to reach the airport for travel or work

Airport Travel Survey

We are seeking input on how people in the San Diego region travel to and from the airport. This fall, we are surveying residents, visitors, and employees at the San Diego International Airport and on airport shuttles and buses (including MTS Route 992). Data collected from the survey will inform our work on the Airport Transit Connection project and other regional planning initiatives. If you are headed to the airport this fall, consider participating in this brief in-person survey.

Progress to Date 

Transit options to the airport are a key part of the Regional Plan, SANDAG’s blueprint for enhancing our region’s quality of life. Planning efforts to date have identified multiple potential Airport Transit Connection concepts. Information about these concepts can be found in our Airport Transit Connection Concept Evaluation Study.

Next Steps

We are collecting planning and travel data to identify the most feasible and appropriate concepts to move forward with. Using updated growth forecasts, post-pandemic travel behavior, airport travel data, and community feedback, we will determine which concepts are the best fit for the San Diego region. Once feasible concepts have been determined, they will undergo environmental study before a final concept is chosen.

Connect with Us

Learn more by signing up for project updates at Check the box for “Airport Transit Connection” under the “Transit & Rail Projects” section. 

For questions or concerns regarding the Airport Transit Connection or this survey, please email the project team at For media inquiries, please contact

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