Regional Transportation Congestion Improvement Program

When the Regional Arterial System needs improvements, the Regional Transportation Congestion Improvement Program (RTCIP) funds efforts to make it better. Improvement projects include traffic signal coordination, freeway interchange improvements, railroad grade separations, and express bus or rail transit upgrades. As outlined in the TransNet Extension ordinance, RCTIP revenue is collected by the 18 local cities and the County of Diego as an exaction from the private sector for each new housing unit construction in that jurisdiction. The RTCIP helps ensure future development contributes a proportional share of funding needed to pay for related transportation improvements.  

The RTCIP is monitored by the TransNet Independent Taxpayer Oversight Committee (ITOC) and implemented by each of 19 local jurisdictions. To remain eligible for TransNet local streets and road funding, jurisdictions must maintain their RTCIP funding programs and comply with specific administrative requirements. The RTCIP and each local agency’s funding program is subject to an annual review and audit carried out by the ITOC. 

Section 9 of the TransNet Ordinance requires the RTCIP exaction to be adjusted annually. The adjustment amount should not exceed the percentage increase in the Engineering Construction Cost Index (CCI) published by the Engineering News Record (ENR), or a similar CCI. The Ordinance also states that the adjustment should never be less than two percent per year. This ensures the RTCIP retains its purchasing power. Each year in February, the SANDAG Board of Directors considers proposed fee adjustments, and the new RTCIP fee amount takes effect the following July at the start of the next fiscal year. 

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