Specialized Transportation Grant Program

The SANDAG Specialized Transportation Grant Program (STGP) funds projects and programs that expand mobility for older adults and people with disabilities. Eligible projects include the purchase of accessible vans and buses, coordinated volunteer driver programs, shopping shuttle services, non-emergency medical trips, and transit travel training classes. Eligible applicants include local nonprofit organizations and public agencies.  

Funding for the STGP comes from two sources: the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5310 program and the TransNet Senior Mini-Grant Program. Since 2006, we’ve awarded more than $38 million in federal grant funds and $24 million in TransNet funds to support more than 300 specialized grant-funded transportation projects.

Call for Projects

Approximately every two years, SANDAG conducts an allocation process, or call for projects, to award funding through the Specialized Transportation Grant Program (STGP).

SANDAG is currently accepting applications to allocate approximately $9.3 million through the STGP Cycle 13 Call for Projects. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, October 9, 2024, at 5 p.m. (PDT).

Call for Projects Webinar

SANDAG will host a Call for Projects Webinar to provide an overview of the STGP Cycle 13 Call for Projects, discuss program requirements, and answer applicant questions. This webinar will be conducted virtually via Zoom on Thursday, August 1, 2024, at 3 p.m. (PDT). Register today.


SANDAG uses BidNet, SANDAG’s web-based vendor portal, to publish grant calls for projects, post application materials, and receive completed applications. Visit our Grant Programs web page to learn more about BidNet and how to apply for SANDAG grants.

Applicants may submit questions through BidNet by Wednesday, October 2, 2024, at 5 p.m. (PDT). Applicants may also pose questions during the Call for Projects Webinar. Responses to questions will be posted in BidNet by Monday, October 7, 2024.

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Anticipated Timeline
  • July 10, 2024: The STGP Cycle 13 Call for Projects is released, opening a 90-day application window
  • August 1, 2024: Call for Projects Webinar
  • October 2, 2024: Deadline to submit questions to SANDAG
  • October 7, 2024: Responses to applicant questions submitted by October 2, 2024, posted to BidNet
  • October 9, 2024: Application deadline
  • February 2025: Notice of Intent to Award
  • March 2025: Notice of Award
  • July 1, 2025: Awarded Senior Mini-Grant projects can begin
  • October 1, 2025: Awarded Section 5310 projects can begin
Past Events

Grantee Resources

STGP grantees report to SANDAG regularly to comply with agreed terms. These reports also help us monitor performance. A list of grantee forms and resources are available by STGP grant type and reporting frequency.

Vehicle and Other Equipment Progress Report Form (Due October 31, January 31, April 30, July 30)

Vehicle as Out of Service or Returned to Service Report Form (Due within 72 hours out of service or return to service date)

Vehicle and Other Equipment Inspection Form (Due within 2 months of vehicle delivery)

Title VI ADA Program Guide (Programs due before grant execution and triennially)

Title VI ADA Program Templates

Specialized Transportation Grant Report Form

  • Complaint filings and resolutions due within 72 hours
  • Closeout reports due within 90 days of grant expiration date

Client Demographic Data Reporting Form (Due annually, collected quarterly)

Sample Client Demographic Survey Form (Due annually, collected quarterly)

Sample Grant Monitoring Checklist

ADA Online Training Slides

ADA Training Recording

Transit Asset Management Plan