Sea Level Rise Assessment

Sea level rise threatens our beaches and coastal landscapes, homes and businesses, and key economic fixtures like air, sea, and land ports. With more than 70 miles of coastline, the San Diego region is especially vulnerable to sea level rise caused by climate change.  

SANDAG and Caltrans developed the San Diego Region Coastal Sea Level Rise Analysis Report to describe future scenarios for sea level rise along the region’s coastline based on the latest scientific guidance. The report offers design water level guidance for local projects, an adaptive management strategy, and general recommendations for construction along the North Coast Corridor (NCC)

In 2017, SANDAG was awarded a Caltrans’ SB1 Adaptation Planning Grant to prepare the Regional Transportation Infrastructure Sea Level Rise Assessment and Adaptation Guidance (Adaptation Guidance). This project analyzes potential sea level rise impacts to transportation facilities such as highways, bikeways, trails, and light and heavy rail that cross jurisdictional lines. In addition, the Adaptation Guidance includes a compilation of adaptation policies, projects, and funding opportunities that are relevant to the San Diego region.