Military Installation Resilience

SANDAG and Navy Region Southwest worked together with regional stakeholders to address climate change impacts that could affect the resiliency of local naval installations and harm efforts to remain mission-ready. With support from grants awarded by the Department of Defense Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation, SANDAG identified three major transportation corridors at the highest risk of climate change impacts and of high strategic importance for Navy mission readiness. These corridors are:

  • SR 75 and SR 282 in the cities of San Diego and Coronado
  • Harbor Drive in the City of San Diego
  • Pacific Coast Highway in the City of San Diego

During Phase I of the grant, SANDAG and the Navy worked with project team stakeholders to complete an initial assessment of the climate change threats to military installations and surrounding transportation assets. During Phase II, specific climate adaptation actions were identified along the corridors. Military travel behavior data informed the development of mitigation strategies and infrastructure projects for the project study area.

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