06.04.2024 | Public Notice
Public Notice: Preparation of Draft Environmental Impact Report for the LOSSAN Rail Realignment Project
The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), as lead agency, will prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the San Diego Los Angeles-San Diego-San Luis Obispo (LOSSAN) Rail Realignment (SDLRR) Project (Project) in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This public notice is to inform you that SANDAG has released the Notice of Preparation (NOP) of the Draft EIR.
The Project would realign the existing railroad tracks from the eroding coastal bluffs in Del Mar to a new alignment away from the bluffs, primarily located within tunnels, potentially through the cities of Solana Beach, Del Mar, and San Diego. SANDAG would like your input on the scope and content of the environmental information that will be addressed in the Draft EIR. The Project description and potential environmental effects are included in the NOP. An initial study was not prepared for the Project.
A public scoping meeting will be held on June 18, 2024, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. to provide Project information and to allow the public to provide comments as to the scope and content of the Draft EIR. The meeting will be held at San Diego Marriott Del Mar, 11966 El Camino Real, San Diego, CA 92130. Parking will be validated and free shuttle service will be provided from the Sorrento Valley Transit Station.
Public input will be taken at the meeting and can be provided orally or in writing. In addition, public input can be submitted via letter or email to SANDAG.
Written comments on the scope of the Draft EIR should be sent to:
401 B Street, Suite 800
San Diego, CA 92101
ATTN: Tim Pesce
Or via email with subject line "SDLRR Project NOP” to: lossancorridor@sandag.org.
Comments in response to this NOP should be provided at the earliest possible date, but must be provided no later than July 19, 2024, which is 45 days from issuance of the NOP.
For additional information regarding this Project, the scoping period, or the environmental process, please contact lossancorridor@sandag.org or visit SANDAG.org/railrealignment. The NOP has also been posted on the CEQAnet Web Portal and was submitted electronically to the State Office of Planning and Research.