12.15.2022 | Public Notice

SANDAG is preparing a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for an amendment to the 2021 Regional Plan, which includes the Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy. On Wednesday, December 21 at 4 p.m. PST, SANDAG will host a public scoping meeting to provide an opportunity for agencies, community-based organizations, and interested members of the public to learn more, ask questions, and provide comments on the scope and content of the environmental analysis that will be included in the SEIR.

Written comments are due by 5 p.m. PST on January 9, 2023 via mail or email, and must include the name of a contact person. Send comments to Kirsten Uchitel at kirsten.uchitel@sandag.org or mail to:

Attn: Kirsten Uchitel
401 B Street, Suite 800
San Diego, CA 92101

For further details, please see our Notice of Preparation. Questions? Please reach out to Kirsten Uchitel at kirsten.uchitel@sandag.org.