05.09.2023 | News Release
In 2022, the overall violent crime rate increased in the San Diego region according to a new SANDAG report by the Criminal Justice Research Division, 43 Years of Crime in the San Diego Region: 1980 Through 2022. In addition, SANDAG also released a summary of annual crime statistics by jurisdiction.
“Despite the increase, the surge in violent crime was relatively low compared to other metropolitan cities in the U.S. The San Diego region is still among the safest in the country,” said SANDAG Principal Criminal Justice Researcher Dr. Octavio Rodriguez Ferreira. “That is why it’s important we continue to work together collaboratively and creatively with communities to prevent and address crime.”
The report also found a 9% decrease in homicides in the San Diego region. As of the release of this report, 84 of the 107 homicides had an identifiable motive. The most common motive was related to an argument (51%), followed by gang-related activity (15%). The most common weapon used was a firearm (60%).
Property crime rates were 5% lower in 2022, compared to 2021, and are the second lowest in the past 43 years. In terms of dollar value, over $304 million worth of property was stolen in the San Diego region in 2022, which is an average of about $833,000 per day.
The SANDAG report for 2022 included other notable findings:
• Hate crime reports increased by 9% from 2021.
• Violent crimes against senior citizens were up 8%.
• Robberies increased by 10%.
• Motor vehicle theft was up 2%.
• Burglaries increased by 2%, resulting from a 9% increase in non-residential burglaries and a 5% decrease in residential burglaries.
It is also important to note that this is the final year that the annual crime report will include crimes reported through the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program. The UCR program has transitioned to the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS), and all future reports will include the new standardized data. With this transition, the overall quality of crime data will improve as additional details of crime incidents will be collected, allowing for more timely and comprehensive data analysis.
Since 1980, SANDAG has reported crime statistics for the San Diego region through a cooperative agreement with local law enforcement agencies. These data are used by local law enforcement, policymakers, and communities to track public safety and the effectiveness of crime prevention and response efforts over time. SANDAG will continue to use data to understand current trends and to inform and create a fairer region.
To learn more, view the CJ Bulletin: 43 Years of Crime in the San Diego Region: 1980 Through 2022.
View the CJ Summary: Annual Crime Statistics 2022 by Jurisdiction.
For the key statistics related to homicides, view the CJ Flash: Homicides Decreased in 2022 in the San Diego Region.
To view other crime data, visit SANDAG Open Data Portal.