News Release

09.16.2021 | News Release

Violent crimes reported in the first half of 2021 increased 14% over the last year and were 9% higher than in 2019, according to a new report by the SANDAG Criminal Justice Research Division, Crime in the San Diego Region Mid-Year 2021 Statistics.

From January to June 2021, the violent crime rate was 3.64 per 1,000 population, the second highest over the past ten years. Compared to this timeframe last year, the region has had fewer reported homicides and robberies, but a greater number of rapes and aggravated assaults.

Property crime was also higher in the first six months of 2021, compared to 2020, but was slightly lower than in 2019. During January to June, burglaries decreased, but larcenies and motor vehicle thefts increased. In April, May, and June of 2021, residential burglaries increased, while non-residential burglaries decreased.

“It is important to note that 2020 was an unprecedented year, as people stayed home and some opportunities for some crimes to be committed decreased and others increased,” said SANDAG Director of Research and Program Management Dr. Cynthia Burke. “As our communities continue to recover, it is critical to highlight the importance of reporting crimes to local law enforcement agencies and to ensure we make resources readily available to those who have been victims of a crime.”

Other notable highlights in the SANDAG report include: 

• While aggravated assaults were up 21% during the past year, those that involved a firearm were up 55%
• The number of reported rapes increased 23% from mid-year 2020 to 2021, but were slightly lower than 2019
• The number of domestic violence incidents reported regionally increased 5% from mid-year 2020 to 2021
• A greater percentage of burglaries involved forced entry in 2021 (57%), compared to 2019 (47%)

The SANDAG report also found that larceny was the most common crime reported to law enforcement, increasing 10% from 2020 to 2021. However, in 2021, larceny was 4% lower than in 2019.
From January to June of this year, 45 hate crimes were reported to law enforcement in the San Diego region, just one shy of the same timeframe in 2020. The most common motive for hate crimes in the region was attributed to race in 2021. Of the 28 hate crimes attributed to race in 2021, a greater percentage involved Asian victims, compared to 2020 (18% versus 6% the previous year).
Since 1980, SANDAG has reported crime statistics for the San Diego region through a cooperative agreement with local law enforcement agencies. These data are used by local law enforcement, policymakers, and the community to track public safety over time and the effectiveness of crime prevention and response efforts. Looking into the future, SANDAG will continue to use data to understand current trends to inform and create a fairer region.

For media inquiries, please contact Stacy Garcia at 619.699.1950 or