Rapid 625 Workshop
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
6 p.m.
SANDAG is planning three new Rapid bus routes to get more people where they need to go faster and more reliably, making it easier for residents to access jobs, education, healthcare, and more without a car.
The proposed high-speed transit routes are:
- Rapid Route 471 from eastern Escondido to the Escondido Transit Center and Palomar Medical Center Escondido
- Rapid Route 41 from the Fashion Valley Transit Center to UC San Diego and UTC Shopping Center
- Rapid Route 625 from SDSU to City Heights, National City, and Chula Vista
If you travel or live along one of these routes, share your experience: what transportation challenges do you have? What would make transit more accessible for you to use? Based on this feedback, we will develop alternative routes for public review and comment in early 2023. Each info session will include a presentation and the opportunity to comment and ask questions.