
SANDAG Employer Program Webinar

Wednesday, December 7, 2022
11 a.m.

Solutions for the First and Last Leg of the Commute

Join us for this free 50-minute webinar followed by a Q&A session to learn about:

  • Overview of first and last mile transportation options
  • Patagonia’s experience pairing bikeshare and transit
  • Public and private opportunities with Circuit on-demand rides
  • Bike lockers and other transportation resources for your workplace
  • SANDAG’s Try Transit and Guaranteed Ride Home programs

Presenters include:

  • Trevor Hill, Consultant to the SANDAG Employer Program
  • Marisa Mangan, Senior Mobility Strategies at SANDAG
  • David Hopkins, General Manager at Patagonia Cardiff
  • Mark Iannon, Partner Success Manager at Circuit

We hope you will join us! *Extra bonus: SANDAG Employer Program participants will receive a Diamond Awards point for attending.