2015 Regional Plan

Our Regional Plan prioritizes 35 years of regional transportation projects to create a framework for much of the region’s transportation infrastructure. It serves as a blueprint for how SANDAG invests in transportation infrastructure that will provide more choices, strengthen the economy, promote a healthy environment, and support thriving communities. 

The 2015 Regional Plan was published under the title, San Diego Forward: The Regional Plan.

Read the 2015 Regional Plan

Appendix A: Transportation Projects, Costs, and Phasing

Appendix B: Air Quality Planning and Transportation Conformity

Appendix C: Sustainable Communities Strategy Documentation and Related Information

Appendix D: 2012 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory for the San Diego Region and Projections

Appendix E: Transportation System and Demand Management Programs, and Emerging Technologies

Appendix F: Public Involvement Program

Appendix G: Tribal Consultation Process for San Diego Forward: Communication, Cooperation, and Coordination

Appendix H: Social Equity: Engagement and Analysis

Appendix I: Consultation with the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO)

Appendix J: Regional Growth Forecast

Appendix K: Glossary of Transportation Terms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms

Appendix L: Regional Housing Needs Assessment Plan

Appendix M: Transportation Project Evaluation Criteria and Rankings

Appendix N: Evaluating the Performance of the Transportation Network

Appendix O: Transportation Financial Background

Appendix P: Economic Analysis

Appendix Q: White Papers

Appendix R: Transportation Security and Safety

Appendix S: Monitoring Performance

Appendix T: SANDAG Travel Demand Model and Forecasting Documentation

Appendix U1: Related Technical Studies and Supporting Documents

Appendix U2: Regional Complete Streets Policy

Appendix U3: SANDAG Board of Directors Report: San Diego Forward: The Regional Plan Alternative Land Use Scenarios

Appendix U4: SANDAG Regional Transit Oriented Development Strategy

Appendix U5: California Coastal Trail Technical Memoranda

Appendix U7: SANDAG Federal Congestion Management Process

Appendix U8: San Diego Region Intelligent Transportation Systems Strategic Plan

Appendix U9: Regional Energy Strategy for the San Diego Region

Appendix U10: Management Strategic Plan for Conserved Lands in Western San Diego County

Appendix U11: Healthy Communities Atlas, San Diego Region

Appendix U12: San Diego Regional Plug-In Electric Vehicle Readiness Plan

Appendix U13: Housing: Providing Homes for all Residents

Appendix U14: Borders

Appendix U15: Draft 2015 Freight Gateway Study Update

Appendix U16: Active Transportation Implementation Strategy

Appendix U17: Urban Area Transit Strategy

Appendix U18: San Diego Regional Safe Routes to School Strategic Plan